Marcoast Ecosystems Integration Laboratory
The MarCoast Ecosystems Integration Laboratory, headed by Associate Professor Michelle Portman,studies policy questions related to and influencing the interface of land and sea. Emphases of research projects are the well-being of ecological systems (including humans within them) that make up the natural world. Questions of stewardship and environmental protection are at the core of research undertaken by group members, often combining mixed research methods and spatial analysis.
The lab works in close conjunction with the Technion’s Coastal and Marine Engineering Institute (CAMERI) which manages a wave flume and a 1:120 scale model of the Port of Haifa.
Research focus
Projects include research on coastal erosion, fisheries, human-marine wildlife (elasmobranchs) interactions, coastal resilience and vulnerability, land-based marine litter, green-blue (marine) infrastructure, marine spatial planning and marine protected areas.
Members of the lab are also researching stormwater and run-off management applying water sensitive urban design and baselines used for environmental impact assessment.
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